Death Wish Wowzz
#savemeaseatreviews Wow this movie! It depictes a #surgeon doctor with his life in order that had an abusive father, you can tell he wants to be a great Dad and stand up kind of guy with a large ability of restraint... #tragedy hits home, frustrated, without answers or #justice he looks for his own and learns #newskills to #fight #overwhelming odds, leading to his #vigilanty law. He #protects his home and child with fervent zeal and fights his nightmares 9/10 because this is a darker story with questioning ethics, but shows the pain and turmoil of life, tragedy, and restrictions of law enforcement in crime fighting. Do not take small children, they will not understand it, values are compromised in order to find justice... there is a cliffhanger and I feel there will be more to come from this surgeon gone rogue! I enjoyed the movie with all the twists and turns and emotions that arise with touchy topics and morals that get your brain firing on all jets!