Messy GeoStrorm
#savemeaseatreviews I went to this movie thinking I would come out of it feeling better about my actual life, that the planet and all these natural disasters actually would not end the world, but all I feel now is that humans want power and political financial gain, more than anything else in life. This politically charged movie was a disappointment in my eyes. I’m not very political, in fact I think government is very broken and I don’t like being told what awful human beings we are, especially in a movie that we go to escape this stress in our world 🌎 from... I have to say that #GeraldButler has way too much verbiage in this movie to handle, especially when things get tense and he is trying to convince us he is actually related to #jimsturgess Gerald has an obvious accent that he is trying to not let spill out all over scenes in this movie. I’m sure he has a linguist and they work very hard, but it did not cut it for me sorry! He usually is great in a movie by himself with no relatives but I wasn’t buying this sibling relation. #edharris was disappointing also, sorry Ed. The few exciting moments created by #CGI were pretty good, but still fake. It is interesting to think how such drastic temperature changes would affect us frail humans. The best scenes in the movie involved #danielwu I really liked his acting in this movie! And the graphics in the car scene were the best!#geostormmovie #geostormdiappointment my next movie review with probably be #suburbiconreview